Corporate Solutions
- Article Category: 公司用文章
- 4/27/2020
Outsource your website needs to the experts
If your company is like many businesses around the world, you face significant pains dealing with IT requirements, especially for your website. Skilled designers, programmers and server/database administrators with specialized expertise are in short supply, making it difficult to provide sufficient support for one of your most critical marketing tool. In today's tight money markets, capital budgets are squeezed, with funding eliminated for key projects required to grow your business. Your existing IT staff is strapped with day-to-day tactical tasks simply to keep systems online, rather than working to research and deliver on projects that accelerate strategic objectives.

MerxMotion is here to help!
Proactive and Consistent solution Customized for Your Business
Applying our unique website building methodology begins with an upfront collaboration and an in-depth analysis of your business to determine specific needs. Based on our analysis, we're then able to design, implement, manage and measure the solutions that work best for your business.
Comprehensive Managed or On-Site Hosting Services
Your specifically assigned team of professionals includes your own Account Manager, DBA, Network Security Specialist and Systems Engineer, plus unlimited system administrator support. Whether you choose to host with us or host on your own server, we will become your dedicated support team for your website hosting.
Full-Service Content Management Services
Merx Motion Full-Service Content Management Service offers a comprehensive selection of specialized products and services, accompanied by our unmatched design capabilities and experiences. At your disposal you'll have services that focus on timeliness, marketing trends, and user-friendliness, making sure you are conveying the right message to your clients.